Friday 27 December 2013

Secret of Success

In this world, there may be so many people named as Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffet. But history, remembers only one. Why?...

Because they did what they loved to do. That’s PASSION. Almost all of us have a passion. But most of us don’t want to follow our heart because we are mind-dominated persons and give much importance to the thoughts of so called four people around us. Among the rest, there are so many short-term monkey-minded persons who go on jumping from one-tree to other and care only about the immediate benefits like salary, status, etc;. Only, very few of us, have the COURAGE (FEARLESS) to do what we LOVE TO DO with positive attitude, but without focusing much on the outcome.

Is FEARLESS PASSION, the Secret of Success?


People say, beginning a journey is always the difficult, but continuing in the same path is the toughest. FOCUS is the helmet that keeps us away from the side-way distractions and helps us move ahead faster. But, Helmet (Focus) doesn’t eliminate distractions from opposite side. For that, we need CONCENTRATION.

Let’s see a real-life story here:

Both Sachin Tendulkar & Vinod Kambli were started their career together. In their schooldays, Kambli was more popular & feared than Sachin. Though, Sachin took the elevator & Kambli took the steps to reach Indian Cricket Team, Kambli started his innings as a dream by scoring two double-centuries & two-centuries within a span of 10 Tests that everyone would envy for. But, because of his extravagant larger-than-life lifestyle & other distractions, he spoiled the most illustrious career ahead of him.
If we have CONCENTRATED FOCUS, whatever comes in whichever directions at whenever place, we can still move forward in super-fast mode.

Is CONCENTRATED FOCUS, the Secret of Success?



Path of success is always bumpy. To keep moving, the DESIRE for success should be more than the fear of failure. Desire alone will not help, unless we have a strong heart to emerge stronger from the failures. Without, the Never Give-Up attitude we can never reach our destination. To have this never give-up attitude, what we need is BURNING DESIRE. This burning fire should not require any fuel to be long lasting i.e. it should be volcano, not a camp-fire. Even we ourselves should dare to stop our burning fire(desire).

Is BURNING DESIRE, the Secret of Success?





Friday 22 February 2013

Mine is Bigger than Yours...

The world is transforming from Homo sapiens to Robots/Robot sapiens, but still it is bugged by the social evils because of the thought “Mine is Bigger than yours”.

Our comparing life starts ever since from comparing the pencil size in school days, without knowing that after few years we all are going to have the same six feet under the land surface. 

The comparing attitude was inculcated by our parents when they start comparing our progress card with other students. It is growing up every passing year by comparing our height, salary, promotion, wealth, etc.; and it stops only when our heart beat stops.

But the above mentioned comparision attributes contribution to social evils is not even comparable (Sorry state of comparision to use the word “compare” to write a blog against comparision) to the bomb blasts, massacre and other terror attacks. However, the root cause for these terror attacks is also because of “Mine is Bigger than yours”.

It starts from the school admission process. There are columns which ask you to fill your “Nationality, State, Religion and Caste”. On behalf of you, your parents will fill these columns and got yourself admitted into the school as well as into their old-school thoughts, which their parents had passed to them.

These above mentioned three evils (it could be four, but I am yet to opine that Nationality is an evil) sowed into you, will grow up slowly in the childhood days only to gear up in the teenage like bamboo tree. Once it is grown, it is difficult to cut because there are so many trees out there with your own which are muddied into these old-school thoughts. 

The “Mine is Bigger than yours” tag is finally into “State/Religion/Caste”. If your forest of bamboo trees (State/Religion/Caste) is bigger, then you will be treated as Rajput and the minorities will be suspected as terrorists. The Rajput and Suspected are not same all over the world. Rajput in India is suspected as a Terrorist in Pakistan. Rajput in UAE is suspected as a Terrorist in USA. 

When the so-called leaders of your State/Religion/Caste from their villas sparks the fuel of your old-school thoughts, the fire will burn both sides of the forest to a considerable extent. In some case like Srilanka, the other side of the forest (mostly, minority side) will have no foot-prints of even their existence.

Finally, the forest’s scenario is from “Moongil Thotam,Muliga Vaasam” to “Moongil kaattu thee”… because of “Mine is Bigger than yours”.

“Mine is bigger than yours” may not be completely eradicated, but don’t embrace this thought to above evils.



STATE motives us to AGITATE



Saturday 15 December 2012

Running, What For?...

Sprinters Usian bolt & Yohan Blake are running (like a devil is behind them) to be the first to reach the finish line.

For more than 22 years, Sachin Tendulkar's running between the 22 yards is an inspiration to his fans.

My Obese friends (I am on the way to join their gang) are running to reduce their medical bills.

Some of the marathoners are running for a noble cause, some for publicity & some to become next "Forrest Gump".

What for, we are running? 

We are running for life, instead of living it. For most of us, Life means “Money… Money… Money…"
I met money and said “Why everyone runs behind you, you are just a piece of paper”. Money smiled and said “Of course, I am just a piece of paper, but I haven't seen a dustbin yet in my whole life”.

Yes, Of course, I am not disputing the fact “No Money… No Honey…” but do we know how much money is needed? If we know the answer, it is great. If we don’t, we should.

Financial Freedom is such a wonderful phrase, which relieves us from immense pressure and gives us immense pleasure.

How much money is needed for our family to achieve this financial freedom varies for each one. But certainly, the number (amount of money needed) is certain. Above that number, whatever more we earn will reverse our fortunes from immense pleasure to immense pressure.

Reminds the wonderful lines from “Oruvan Oruvan” song “Kaiyil konjam kaasu irunthaal; nee thaan atharku ejamaanan, Kazhuthu varaikum kaasu irunthaal; athu thaan unakku ejamaanan.”

But if we achieve this freedom much early, there may be a question “How I am going to spend rest of my life by hanging the boots, which were torn apart in the game of running for money?” 

It’s simple. Remember the answer that we told in our childhood days, when our teachers asked “What do you want to be in your life?” That’s answer. Live it.

However, some of us would have told “District Collector/Cricketer/Politician”. Considering today’s scenario, it may look like a distinct possibility. 

Nothing to feel sorry about that, by now we may have a new passion. Focus on the new passion. 

If, you don’t have any new passion & still sticking with the old ones, don’t brood over it; just think “What is the goal, which prompts you to tell that you want to be a District Collector?” The goal “is” (not “may”) still achievable. 
 Plan the ways to achieve it.

“The ways to my dream may change, but my dream won’t”...

History will remember Bill Gates, not for having been world’s wealthiest person, but for “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation”.