Friday 27 December 2013

Secret of Success

In this world, there may be so many people named as Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffet. But history, remembers only one. Why?...

Because they did what they loved to do. That’s PASSION. Almost all of us have a passion. But most of us don’t want to follow our heart because we are mind-dominated persons and give much importance to the thoughts of so called four people around us. Among the rest, there are so many short-term monkey-minded persons who go on jumping from one-tree to other and care only about the immediate benefits like salary, status, etc;. Only, very few of us, have the COURAGE (FEARLESS) to do what we LOVE TO DO with positive attitude, but without focusing much on the outcome.

Is FEARLESS PASSION, the Secret of Success?


People say, beginning a journey is always the difficult, but continuing in the same path is the toughest. FOCUS is the helmet that keeps us away from the side-way distractions and helps us move ahead faster. But, Helmet (Focus) doesn’t eliminate distractions from opposite side. For that, we need CONCENTRATION.

Let’s see a real-life story here:

Both Sachin Tendulkar & Vinod Kambli were started their career together. In their schooldays, Kambli was more popular & feared than Sachin. Though, Sachin took the elevator & Kambli took the steps to reach Indian Cricket Team, Kambli started his innings as a dream by scoring two double-centuries & two-centuries within a span of 10 Tests that everyone would envy for. But, because of his extravagant larger-than-life lifestyle & other distractions, he spoiled the most illustrious career ahead of him.
If we have CONCENTRATED FOCUS, whatever comes in whichever directions at whenever place, we can still move forward in super-fast mode.

Is CONCENTRATED FOCUS, the Secret of Success?



Path of success is always bumpy. To keep moving, the DESIRE for success should be more than the fear of failure. Desire alone will not help, unless we have a strong heart to emerge stronger from the failures. Without, the Never Give-Up attitude we can never reach our destination. To have this never give-up attitude, what we need is BURNING DESIRE. This burning fire should not require any fuel to be long lasting i.e. it should be volcano, not a camp-fire. Even we ourselves should dare to stop our burning fire(desire).

Is BURNING DESIRE, the Secret of Success?

